agile User Stories, the Agile Way to Describe Tasks to be Done Agile user story describes a task to be done written from the point of view of the client/end user. Group of user stories is called an epic.
scrum Featured Evaluating Agile User Stories Evaluating the users stories difficulties with a point system is an important aspect of scrum. If it is well understood, we will see what needs to be known.
kanban What is a Kanban Board? Kanban Board is a project management tool that helps easily visualize & optimize workflow. Kanban methodology works in manufacturing, architecture, engineering, etc.
Project management in Architecture & construction Project Management software for Architects. Why you need it? Why use a project management software as an architect. What are the benefits? To save time, be more efficient and have a global view on the project progress.
agile Sprint Planning: How to Prepare an Agile Sprint Preparation takes time but is important to have a fluid Sprint and keep team focused in delivering. Also it force you to completely determine what has to be done. Though agile method encourage flexibility at middle term. At short term the Sprint level it force to be more rigorous and